This is the website of musician and software developer ! Feel free to kick back and stay a while!
You can see examples of my work on your left. If you like what you see, consider following me on social media or tipping me on ko-fi! If you'd like to work with me, please take a look at my contact page.
Below you can find all of my releases in reverse chronological order. To hear full songs from the Spotify embeds, you might need to be logged into Spotify on your browser and you may hear ads (sorry).
Maintained by PhoenixARC, PCK Studio is a program that modifies Minecraft Legacy Console Edition DLC files, specifically .PCK files of course. I joined this project in early 2022, and I've been a developer on the project since. I was responsible for some of the research found in the program, which can be found in my research hub, and the development for some of the utilities.
A universal Minecraft resource pack converter in development since 2018. It supports Minecraft: Java Edition, Minecraft (also known as "Bedrock"), and Minecraft: Legacy Console Edition resource, texture, and "Mash-Up" packs. It has gone under several rewrites, which is why it has yet to release, and will be open source and completely free to use. Image shown is a heavy work in progress and does not reflect the final product in any way.
Upcoming Games
My first real attempt at making games! There are several projects in development. I don't want to give away too many details at this time, but please keep an eye out for future announcements!
Hello! My name is "" Nunez-Leake (), and I'm a 21 year old musician and software developer based in northern New Jersey. I have a heavy passion in video games and music. I've been creating music and software since around 2016 and it's been full steam ahead ever since.
My goal over the next few years will be to form true independence and autonomy for myself and to kickstart my career. I am currently well on my way to achieving a computer science degree. I have a few projects in the oven and I'm very excited to share my work with the world. I know I'm not solving any worldwide issues, but if it can make even one person smile or someone's life just a little bit easier, then I know my work was worth it. Thank you so much for your time and support and I hope to see you around!
Contact and FAQ
Q: What is the best way to reach you? A: If possible, please use my Discord! You can also leave a comment on any of my social channels or email me!
Q: Can I use your music? A: Yes you can use my music. But PLEASE just credit me and link back to the original video/song. That's all I ask. Be wary of using any of my covers and arrangements however. While most are properly licensed, I do not own the copyrights to the adapted works and cannot grant full permission to use them. Use them at your own risk.
Q: Would you be willing to collaborate or work with me? A: Of course! I'm always looking for new artists to work with! However, if you're looking at this as just a business opportunity, then I'm afraid that you have the wrong person. I believe in making art. The benefits that follow are not as important to me.
Q: Are you from the Netherlands (NL)? A: No! The "NL" in my name does not mean the Netherlands, sorry to disappoint! They are simply my last initials.
Q: What are your preferred pronouns and which name do you prefer? A: I don't really have any! I go by both "Matt" and "May" and use both "He/Him" and "She/Her" pronouns. If this bothers you, seethe and get a life.
Q: Would you take a sponsorship? A: In the unlikely event that I get a sponsorship, I will not accept it unless I actually use that product or service to create my content. I promise that I'll never promote some weird mobile game.
Q: Can I request a remix/arrangement? A: Sure! Just please do not make the same request multiple times. I promise that I will consider your idea and place it on my list. There is no guarantee that I'll fulfil it though.
Q: Can I be your friend? A: No. If I don't know you well, we are not friends. I also really don't want to partake in any parasocial relationships. Please understand that I am very wary of befriending and trusting new people after an extended tumultuous and depressive period in my life. I would like to keep my circles small. Thank you for understanding.
Now with that out of the way, feel free to reach out! I look forward to hearing from you.